Unstuck and Empowered
Being stuck sucks.
Whether it’s a looping thought, a flat tire, a repeating fight, a delayed flight, or a sticky emotion, when we’re stuck, it feels like we’re victims to our circumstances. For some, life itself can feel like a never-ending hamster wheel.
The truth is, you have multiple options in every moment, even if they’re not obvious. Maybe you can’t change your circumstance, but when connected with the wise part of yourself, you can choose how you relate and respond to whatever you’re dealing with and you can engage your creativity to illuminate new options.
TRUTH: You absolutely have the power to get unstuck.
TRUTH: It takes intention, courage, and a whole lot of brainpower to try new ways of being.
If you’ve lost sight of choice, you likely feel powerless and trapped, which totally sucks. So, you try and escape, often resorting to unhelpful strategies.
Why do we do this?
It takes significant brain power to do things differently, and unless we’re clear on what we stand to gain, we’ll gravitate to what we know—even if it’s costing us in other ways. And let’s be honest: there’s often a (hidden) payoff in staying powerless or in escaping.
James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, says:
“Behavior change isn’t enough; identity change is what gets us unstuck for good.”
But you’ve got to start somewhere. Did you know that neuroscientists have found that even imagining a new way of being can create pathways in the brain that lead to change? Your brain is wired for transformation, ready for you to take the first step.
When you feel stuck, Try This:
Feel it: Hang out with the feeling of stuckness in your body. Get into relationship with it. Where is it located? What are its contours and emotional qualities? Does it have a message for you? Once you understand it, a way through may become clearer.
Notice the present: There’s more than just stuckness in this moment. You’re breathing. You have access to clean water, nourishment, and the comfort of gravity. This awareness can create space for other options to emerge.
Get moving: Create dissonance between stuck thoughts and your body in action. Even if your movement is limited, you can still call a friend, read, express yourself, or take a shower.
Do something hard: Engage in something that consumes your mind so stuckness can’t.
Embrace it: Say yes to being stuck. Embody it. Dress like it. Acknowledge it. Press your body into a wall. Feel the lack of power, then remember—life can feel better than this. Decide what comes next.
Ask yourself: “Who am I becoming, and who am I intending to become?” Make this a daily inquiry to shape yourself out of the past and into your future.
If you need guidance through tough spots, reach out to schedule a session with me. I love supporting people to get unstuck and moving towards wholeness and joy.